Provider Name / Imprint

Generali Health Solutions GmbH

Hansaring 40-50
50670 Köln

Tel +49 (0)221 1636-5000


Dr. Markus Homann, Vincenzo Reina, Dr. Max Wunderlich

Commercial Register:
Cologne District Court, HRB 93366

VAT ID Number:

Generali Health Solutions GmbH is part of the international Generali Group.

Legal Notice:
Generali Health Solutions GmbH constantly reviews and updates the information on its websites. Despite all due diligence, the information may have changed in the meantime. We therefore cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided.
The same applies to all other websites to which reference is made by means of hyperlinks. Generali Health Solutions GmbH is not responsible for the content of websites that are accessed through such a link.
Generali Health Solutions GmbH also reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.
The content and structure of the Generali Health Solutions GmbH websites are protected by copyright. The duplication of information or data, in particular the use of texts, text parts or images requires the prior consent of Generali Health Solutions GmbH.